Cloud Computing

Cloud computing: How secure is the system actually?

How secure is cloud computing, anyway?

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a service where IT infrastructures are provided over the internet. This means that software and data do not reside on a local PC or server, but are instead managed via the cloud solution provided. Access therefore takes place via the internet, with cloud servers being accessed that are located in large data centres. Whether these are hosted in Germany or abroad is of secondary importance. An important aspect of cloud computing is the maintenance and protection of the stored data. It should be accessible at all times and protected from cyber attack. Some providers such as Microsoft or Google do not take over the complete protection, but they integrate important components of cloud security into their offers.

Why more and more companies are opting for cloud computing

For some years now, a new trend has been emerging in the IT infrastructure of companies: As more and more employees work in home offices or on the move, software solutions and infrastructures are needed that allow easy access from outside. That is why far more companies today are opting to use different cloud solutions. Instead of buying and installing Microsoft Office, the choice falls on Microsoft Office 365, for example. The switch to Windows 11 also favours the move towards cloud computing.

  • Cloud solutions facilitate scalability: as soon as the company grows, more and more storage space is needed. This required storage is quickly used up on local servers, but is available indefinitely in the cloud because it can be adapted at any time.
  • Lower costs: Scalability reduces expenses in the short and long term. No money has to be paid for licences that are not needed or for storage space that needs to be secured.
  • Increased cyber security: Those who rely on cloud solutions benefit from numerous security precautions and can escape a system failure on the local server.
  • Increased productivity: Since all applications and data are in the cloud, employees can access them from anywhere and at any time.

Are there any risks?

Among the biggest risks are access permissions and access restrictions in the cloud. The fact that the data is easily accessible means that not only the company’s own employees can access it. So it requires a sophisticated concept that defines who can access which data. Particularly sensitive data or personal data should be protected especially well. However, most cloud providers invest in high-quality security systems that prevent unauthorised access as far as possible. Another important aspect is the flawless collaboration in a cloud product. While most solutions offer numerous collaboration tools, it takes a little time for all employees to find their way around. At the same time, the cloud solution must be able to work with other systems, which is why a secure and extensive API is one of the important components of cloud computing.

What are the benefits of cloud computing?

Cloud computing offers many benefits to businesses, allowing them to supplement or replace in-house IT infrastructure. For example, the Windows Server 2022 Datacenter can be operated locally, but also based on Azure, a Microsoft product. Nothing stands in the way of access via Windows Remote Desktop. Cloud computing offers the following advantages both in the private sector and at the corporate level:

  • Data encryption in the cloud follows strict algorithms that increase the security of data and protect it from unauthorised access, as long as the right security precautions are taken.
  • Setting up an in-house data centre comes with high initial costs. Especially for small businesses, such a financial burden is hardly bearable. If, on the other hand, cloud-based offerings are used, the costs shrink to a monthly reasonable amount.
  • Another plus point for small or medium-sized enterprises: The technical know-how for administration, installation or even software development can be outsourced. Even the maintenance and servicing of the system can be placed in expert hands.
  • Cloud computing is a flexible solution that allows secure, fast and location-independent access both in the home office and for remote work.

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