Change Outlook signature - this is how!
Change Microsoft Outlook Signature - explained quickly and easily!
How to change the Outlook signature? In the past, when all letters were still sent in paper form, the so-called farewell formula could not be missing under any circumstances. Something like „Best regards“ or „Yours sincerely“ and a personal signature was a must. But who actually says that this should no longer be the case in e-mail correspondence today? If you work with Microsoft Outlook, for example in Windows 11 or Windows 11 Home, you can easily create an Outlook signature and change it at any time.
Do I have to create an Outlook signature?
That depends on whether you are writing a purely private or a business e-mail. In the business sector, a signature has been mandatory for e-mails since 2007. This means that for self-employed persons, freelancers or companies, as soon as they send an invoice or an offer by e-mail, the same information as in an imprint must be included as sender information. These minimum details are mandatory:
- Name of the company
- full name of the owner
- address for service
Fortunately, this can be done almost in a flash with Microsoft Outlook 2021. And a great company logo, a ready-made signature or even a portrait of the sender can also be integrated quite easily when you want to create the Outlook signature.
And this is how it’s done
For example, in the Microsoft Outlook 2019 Multilanguage full version with the Windows 11 Pro or Windows 11 Pro N operating system, signatures can be automatically attached to all outgoing mails. It is also possible to add a signature to individual e-mails. If you want to change an Outlook signature, proceed in the same way:
- First open a new e-mail message.
- Select the option „Signature“ in the “ Message “ menu.
- Under „Signature to edit“, select the option „New“.
- In the „New Signature“ dialogue box, give the signature a name.
- Use „Edit signature“ to write the personal farewell formula. The font, font size, text alignment and colour can be easily specified. If you want to change the Outlook signature later, each individual point can also be edited later.
- Using the option „Select default signature“ in the drop-down menu „E-mail account“, first select the corresponding account to which the signature is to be assigned.
Tip: Each e-mail account in Outlook, for example in Windows 11 Education, can be given its own individual signature. The more individual and specific these are, the more personally the recipients feel addressed. In a business context, this can have a more professional effect.
- If all messages are to receive the signature, select one of the signatures in the drop-down menu „New messages“ .
- If you do not want all new messages to automatically receive a signature, simply click (none)
- If the signature is also to be shown on reply mails or forwards, select an appropriate signature under „Replies/Forwards“.
- If this is not necessary, select the standard option ( none).
Add signature manually one by one
If you have decided not to automatically add a signature to every e-mail, you can still add a signature, address, picture, etc. to individual e-mails afterwards. Select an individual e-mail and choose the „Signature“ option on the „Message“ tab. In the flyout menu, each signature created can now be selected to be displayed under the individual message.
Add picture, logo and signature
With Microsoft Outlook, a signature with pictures can also be created or the Outlook signature can be changed accordingly under Windows 11 Enterprise and Windows 11 Pro for Workstation.
- To do this, select Signature> Signatures in a new e-mail.
- In the field „Select signature for editing„, click on the signature that is to be provided with a logo, a picture or with the digitised signature (as a picture).
- Now select a corresponding image file on the PC with the icon Image and connect it to the signature by clicking on „Insert“.
- Right-click on the image under the „Size“ tab to adjust the area of the image.
Tip: If the checkbox „Lock aspect ratio“ is activated, the image ratios are preserved.
Header image: ©monticellllo,
Link Outlook, Word and Excel
Link Outlook, Word and Excel - this is how it works!
In this article we show you how to link Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel. Whether for private or business use – the Office Suite on the PC facilitates many work processes and enables a clean presentation of a wide variety of documents. Microsoft Word can be used to create formatted texts, Microsoft Excel is the top programme for spreadsheets, calculations and data processing. And finally, Microsoft Outlook is used to manage all e-mails and organise appointments with the help of the integrated calendar.
Linking Word and Excel
In everyday office life, it is often necessary to integrate a table into a Microsoft Word document. This can either be created in the programme itself – or simply linked to a table in Microsoft Excel. To do this, first open the corresponding Excel file. Now mark the table or individual sections of the table and copy them with the keyboard command „CTRL+C“. Then open the Microsoft Word document into which the table or parts of it are to be inserted. Now direct the cursor to the place where the table is to appear. With the keyboard command „CTRL+V“ you can now place it exactly there. The disadvantage, however, is that changes to the table can now only be made with the functions of Microsoft Word. It is more convenient to be able to insert an Excel link into Word. How to link Word with Excel:
- First, select the corresponding table in Microsoft Excel and copy it using the shortcut command.
- In the Microsoft Word document, click on the arrow under „Insert“ in the „Start“ tab and select „Insert contents“ in the drop-down menu.
- In the new window, click on „Insert link“.
- Then select „Microsoft Excel Workbook Object“ in the menu window and confirm with „Ok“.
- Changes that are now made to the table in Microsoft Excel automatically appear in the Microsoft Word document.
Linking Microsoft Outlook with Word and Excel
With a Microsoft account, it is easy to harmonise the functions of all three tools. So not only Excel links can be inserted into Word. But tasks, appointments and changes can also be viewed on different end devices by different employees. The first step is to prepare the toolbar for quick access.
- To do this, right-click on a symbol in the toolbar.
- Select the option „Customise the quick access toolbar“. A new dialogue box opens (depending on the selected programme in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel).
- In the „Quick Access Toolbar“ entry in the navigation bar, in the „Select Commands“ list field, select the item „Commands not included in the ribbon“.
- Click on „Create Microsoft Outlook task“ in the list and activate it.
One of the advantages of this option is that the document sent via Microsoft Outlook remains on the original PC. Before it is sent, it can be „released“ or „locked“ so that editing by others is prevented or made possible. In this way, tasks can be distributed quickly and without effort by switching programmes. It makes sense to distribute tasks, for example, when working on a Word document or an Excel spreadsheet. And the employee needs to be informed about a current change of deadline, for example. Then this new task does not have to be created in Microsoft Outlook first. Instead, it can be displayed directly in the document being worked on. If there are no other tasks associated with the document, it can be sent to all or individual contacts from the address book in Outlook – without having to change the programme. New recipients can also be added at any time using the table function.
Tip: Working with highlighters in Microsoft Word documents
If several people are working together on a Microsoft Word document, it makes sense to mark particularly important text passages with markers. Such bookmarks make it possible to find certain sections of the text quickly, especially in an extensive document or a shared directory that has been shared with Outlook. Previously uninvolved contacts can then continue to work on these as a task, for example, or make changes.
Header Image: © Prima91,