Website creation: Design like the pros with these programmes

Creating your own website has long since ceased to be a purely private pleasure. Companies in particular are now building up entire business branches with a corresponding online presence. E-commerce doesn’t work without a homepage, webshop and company blog. But how do you get such an Internet presence on the World Wide Web at a reasonable price? For one thing, you can hire a specialised company, a web designer or a programmer. But beware: expensive! But you can also take care of the Website creation yourself. And it’s not as difficult as many people think.

Three ways to create a website

Modular system

Creating a website with a homepage construction kit is hard to beat in terms of simplicity. It is an ideal method, especially for small to medium-sized projects that do not have complicated page structures. Most modular systems today deliver a kind of „all-round feel-good package“ from the homepage to online sales via a webshop. Various designs, editor, hosting, domain and support are regulated by the provider.

Content Management Systems

More sophisticated is the creation of a website with a content management system, a so-called CMS. Their operation is somewhat more complicated than that of the construction kits. However, one is usually dependent on ready-made designs, called templates. Such a template or theme is simply installed, with various design options, parts of the presentation can then be individually adapted. Important aspects such as hosting, domain or e-mail function have to be taken care of yourself or commissioned from a specialist.

Programming yourself

If you know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and more, you can also create your website yourself and attract visitors with it. In this case, all you basically have to do is open the text editor and you can start programming – if you can! The advantage of this method: in terms of design, homepage, structure, etc., there are no limits to the website creation here. However, it can take quite a long time to reach your goal, and if you program the wrong command, you may have to prepare yourself for a complicated error search.

Easier to get online with Website X5 Evolution

If you don’t want to use the simple construction kit to create a website, but you are also not a programmer, you can also fall back on special software. One of them is the web editor Website X5 Evolution from Incomedia. After a certain training period, you can easily and quickly create your own homepage or blog. Prefabricated style models make it possible, for example, to drag and drop any objects, text modules or images exactly where you want them. With the help of a graphics editor, certain components for a web shop, an integrated FTP module and an SEO function (search engine optimisation), the path to a professional online presence is almost complete. The so-called WYSIWYG function is particularly interesting for beginners when it comes to creating websites. The abbreviation stands for „What you see is what you get“ and means in practice that the website looks exactly as it is displayed on the screen with Website X5 Evolution when it is created.

WebAnimator Plus makes online presence even more impressive

What visitors love are special elements on the website. With this editor, animations in HTML5 such as films, advertising banners or games can be created in no time at all. Thanks to various ready-made templates, you can start your own project almost immediately. Alternatively, the WebAnimator Plus Keyframes, images, videos, music and even text can be integrated into WebAnimator Plus to create individual animations. For many, the possibility of using the integrated JavaScript editor is also interesting when creating websites. It enables even more precise individualisation of the content.

Details about WebAnimator Plus:

  • Four standard templates for free use.
  • Export of the animation as HTML5 GIF possible.
  • Multiple scenes and timelines at the same time.
  • Personalised timing.
  • Animated buttons can be easily created.
  • Possibility to include videos and audio files.
  • User-defined JavaScript code.

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